La filosofia di Domar: ricerca, sviluppo, innovazione, sostenibilità - Domar
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How we work

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Sempre in movimento, sempre in evoluzione,
sempre in crescita.


Siamo la Domar, un’azienda specializzata nella produzione e nella commercializzazione di parafanghi, paraspruzzi
e complementi di montaggio per il settore automotive, nello specifico truck e trailer.
Siamo un’impresa con i piedi ben piantati per terra, la nostra, e la testa nel mondo. Le nostre radici sono a Jesce, la zona industriale di Matera.
È qui che ha preso vita il sogno di Antonio Lorusso e l’idea di coniugare tecnologia, design ed eccellenza italiana.
Domar è, prima di tutto, una storia di famiglia. Una storia racchiusa nel suo nome:
Domar è, infatti, l’acronimo delle iniziali di Domenico e Maria, i genitori di Antonio.
Un riconoscimento a quei valori, antichi e autentici, che hanno ispirato l’azienda fino a renderla un’impresa moderna, innovativa e dinamica.
Passato e futuro viaggiano sempre insieme. Lo racconta anche il nostro marchio, dove la “A” stilizzata del fondatore
si accompagna al nome dell’azienda, celebrando così l’identità, storica e in continua evoluzione, di Domar.
Questa è Domar. Un’azienda che, giorno dopo giorno, sfida dopo sfida, è cresciuta fino ad arrivare in 5 continenti e in oltre 100 Paesi.
Un’espansione che mantiene saldi i legami con le proprie origini ma che non rinuncia ad aprirsi, a superare i confini,
a misurarsi con nuove idee, nuovi progetti e nuovi obiettivi. Siamo un’azienda che guarda lontano,
che crede nei sogni e nella capacità di realizzarli, che fa dei successi un’occasione per darsi nuovi traguardi.
Perché crediamo che il modo migliore di celebrare la nostra storia sia riscriverla, per renderla ogni giorno più grande

Research and development

Innovative by tradition.
We believe in innovation because we are convinced that innovating today means being competitive tomorrow. For this reason, Domar has a research and development structure that combines technical expertise with a long-term vision and an innovation driven mind.
The research department is a true driver of innovation, where our experts research and develop solutions always a step ahead than others, getting closer to our customers’ needs.
Our investment in research and development is the only way we know to beat the low-cost competition from emerging countries and to work with the world’s largest automotive manufacturers.
Innovation is an active process that involves every department of the company, from technology to organizational processes and that we build day by day focusing on quality, sustainability, internationalization and efficiency.
In order to achieve it, we put human capital first. We encourge innovation and cooperation among co-workers and by promoting training and growth paradigms we are able to create a working enviroment where everyone feels part of a single great history.
Here is how our new patents are born. Behind it all, there is our way of doing business, our DNA.


Everything we do, we do it at its best.

Domar’s technological heart is its industrial establishment. Here we develop all our products from design to production, ensuring the best quality results and in compliance with international standards.
The value chain starts from the project. For Domar, a project means observation and research, experience and experimentation, technological innovation and acknowledge of the market’s needs. A project-oriented future that produces world-renowned advanced solutions.
The project-oriented chain relies on the support of a fully automated production facility capable of operating 24/7.
Domar’s capacity of adaptation makes it possible to produce plastic products with a high degree of customization.
The main phases of plastic processing are injection molding, thermoforming, extrusion and CNC cutting with the help of CAD / CAM. Each phase interacts with the other in a logic of integrated and connected chains, in a way to ensure smooth, safe and efficient processes. These details ensure optimized processes for high performance products.
The whole process is organized and managed according to the lean production model. A production philosophy that focuses on attention to time and resources, in order to minimize waste and maximize results. In this way, we can increase efficiency and cut costs, so as to create value for customers.
Quality is the thread that combines every stage from design to production. A commitment to excellence in research, the use of leading production materials and techniques, and attention to performance.
Having an autonomous production chain is the key to achieving total quality. Everything happens within the business premises where each operation is under direct control. The result is an unbeatable quality.

In the world

Excellence has no bounds.

Italian spirit and global approach: this is the formula for our success in the world. We base our work on the values of Made in Italy and operate in compliance with the highest international standards. This is the only way to meet demanding markets such as the German and the highly competitive Asian markets.
We believe that research, development and technological innovation are the essential tools to overcome the new global challenges. We do it by investing in industrial automation, combining price and quality, and by working honestly and transparently with our distributors and partners.
This is our strategic vision: a vision with solid foundations and long-term goals that has led the company since its establishment. Today this is still the same spirit that projects us to the future and the world.

Environment and territory

Sustainability is our engine.

Sustainability is our engine. This is our way to put together quality and respect for the environment. For us it does not mean a simple statement, but a concrete commitment based on measurable actions.
Environmental policy is an indispensable part of our business culture. A duty that results in the principles of no pollution, no waste and the use of recyclable materials.
A virtuous circle from the adoption of an environmental management system to improve the performance of all our activities in the use of energy-efficient plants and machinery.
Domar is also committed to social sustainability. This is why we finance a range of social, cultural and sporting activities in the region in order to help young people to achieve their full potential.


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T. +39 0835 338711


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